We would like to sincerely thank the staff and students at Albert College in Belleville and Annunciation Catholic School in Toronto who have done their own fundraising to contribute to the projects at St. Albert Le Grand! Between these two schools, they have raised about another $1500! This will allow St. Albert Le Grand to expand the project for this year. We are still in the planning stages, and will post again when we have heard from the school about their project plan.
Peguy has sent us the photo below to show the current condition of the latrines at the school. As you can see, there is a lot of room for improvement to have safe and clean latrines for the staff and students. We were performing at a fundraiser recently for the U of T Cameroon Working Group of the International Centre for Disability and Rehabilitation, and had a discussion with Dr. Lynn Cockburn about the importance of making the new latrines accessible. We will work with the school to ensure that there is an accessible latrine for any staff or students who have special needs.
Thank you for your continued support and generosity. We are really excited about the work that is to be done this summer in Bazou!