Thursday, July 22, 2010

Great progress & a new project for September!

Hello everyone, our friends at Ecole St. Albert Le Grand have been busy for the past several weeks! Here are some photos to show the progress that has been made for the first project with rebuilding the interior of one of the school buildings. The interior walls that were falling down were demolished, and new concrete block walls are being built. Work is going well, and we have sent the second half of the money to complete the project! We expect to see the work wrapped up before the end of the summer. Check back soon for more photos!

We're happy to share the exciting news that we are working with the school to start a music program for the kids. Traditional music is not taught in any schools in Cameroon, and we are working to have a new class for all of the kids. We have found a musician who will teach, and will be raising some money over the end of the summer to help the school purchase some instruments and pay the music teacher's wages. If you are interested in contributing to this project, please let us know! Email: Phone: 416.836.8951

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